Thursday, March 23, 2017


TUJUAN KKNI (KERANGKA KUALIFIKASI NASIONAL INDONESIA ) Sebagai perwujudan mutu dan jati diri bangsa Indonesia dalam sistem pendidikan, pelatihan serta sistem pengakuan kompetensi kerja secara nasional, maka KKNI dimaksudkan menjadi pedoman untuk: menetapkan kualifikasi capaian pembelajaran yang diperoleh melalui pendidikan formal, nonformal, dan informal atau pengalaman kerja; menetapkan skema pengakuan kualifikasi capaian pembelajaran yang diperoleh melalui pendidikan formal, nonformal, informal atau pengalaman kerja; menyetarakan kualifikasi di antara capaian pembelajaran yang diperoleh melalui pendidikan formal, nonformal, dan informal atau pengalaman kerja; mengembangkan metode dan sistem pengakuan kualifikasi tenaga kerja dari negara lain yang akan bekerja di Indonesia. 

MANFAAT KKNI (KERANGKA KUALIFIKASI NASIONAL INDONESIA) Pada jangka panjang, penerapan KKNI akan berdampak pada: meningkatnya kuantitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang bermutu dan berdaya saing internasional agar dapat menjamin terjadinya peningkatan aksesibilitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia ke pasar kerja nasional dan internasional; meningkatnya kontribusi capaian pembelajaran yang diperoleh melalui pendidikan formal, nonformal, dan informal atau pengalaman kerja dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional; meningkatnya mobilitas akademik untuk meningkatkan saling pengertian, solidaritas, dan kerja sama pendidikan tinggi antar-negara di dunia; meningkatnya pengakuan negara-negara lain, baik secara bilateral, regional, maupun internasional kepada Indonesia tanpa meninggalkan ciri dan kepribadian bangsa Indonesia. 

Secara umum KKNI diharapkan dapat melahirkan suatu sistem penyetaraan kualifikasi ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia dan memiliki sifat-sifat sebagai berikut : KKNI harus secara komprehensif dan berkeadilan dapat menampung kebutuhan semua pihak yang terkait dengan ketenagakerjaan serta memperoleh kepercayaan masyarakat luas KKNI diharapkan memiliki jumlah jenjang dan deskripsi kualifikasi yang jelas dan terukur serta secara transparan dapat dipahami oleh pihak penghasil dan pengguna tenaga kerja baik di tingkat nasional, regional maupun internasional KKNI yang akan dikembangkan harus bersifat lentur (flexible) sehingga dapat mengantisipasi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, kebutuhan keilmuan, keahian dan keterampilan di tempat kerja serta selalu dapat diperbaharui secara berkelanjutan. Sifat lentur yang dimiliki KKNI harus dapat pula memberikan peluang seluas-luasnya bagi seseorang untuk mencapai jenjang kualifikasi yang sesuai melalui berbagai jalur pendidikan, pelatihan atau pengalaman kerja termasuk perpindahan dari satu jalur kejalur yang lain. KKNI hendaknya menjadi salah satu pendorong program-program peningkatan mutu baik dari pihak penghasil maupun pengguna tenaga kerja sehingga kesadaran terhadap peningkatan mutu sumber daya manusia dapat diwujudkan secara nasional. KKNI harus mencakup pengembangan sistem penjaminan mutu yang memiliki fungsi pemantauan (monitoring) dan pengkajian (assessment) terhadap badan atau lembaga yang terkait dengan proses-proses penyetaraan capaian pembelajaran dengan jenjang kualifikasi yang sesuai. KKNI harus secara akuntable dapat memberikan peluang pergerakan tenaga kerja dari Indonesia ke negara lain atau sebaliknya. KKNI harus dapat menjadi panduan bagi para pencari kerja yang baru maupun para pekerja lama dalam upaya meningkatkan taraf hidup atau karir ditempat kerja masing-masing. KKNI diharapkan dapat meningkatkan integrasi dan koordinasi badan atau lembaga penjaminan atau peningkatan mutu yang telah ada, seperti misalnya BSNP, BAN, BNSP, LSP dan lain-lain. Indonesia menganut unified system atau sistem terpadu dimana capaian pembelajaran untuk jenis pendidikan akademik, vokasi maupun profesi dianggap sama untuk jenjang kualifikasi yang sama. Program pengembangan KKNI pada tahun 2015 merupakan kelanjutan dari berbagai program yang sama pada tahun sebelumnya ataupun program baru. Program pada tahun sebelumnya mengutamakan untuk menyusun konsep dan juga merealisasikan menjadi kerangka yang operasional dan telah diperkuat dengan Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) No. 8 Th. 2012 tentang KKNI. Dengan perpres tersebut, KKNI telah menjadi rujukan dalam penyetaraan capaian pembelajaran berbagai sektor yang ada di Indonesia. Sementara untuk memperkuat landasan hukum pelaksanaan KKNI di perguruan tinggi, Kemendikbud telah menerbitkan Permendikbud Nomor 73 tahun 2013 yang mengatur penerapan KKNI di Perguruan tinggi secara khusus dan Pendidikan Tinggi di Indonesia secara keseluruhan. Penerapan KKNI diperguruan tinggi selanjutnya menghasilkan program-program yang semakin memberdayakan KKNI. Penerapan KKNI tidak terbatas pada perguruan tinggi saja namun juga ke berbagai institusi lainnya seperti: • SMK • Lembaga kursus dan Pelatihan • Kologium keilmuan • Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia. • Forum program studi • BNSP, LSP, Asosiasi profesi • Asosiasi industri, KADIN • BAN, BSNP Pengembangan KKNI merupakan perjalanan panjang yang dimulai dari usaha usaha pengembangan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang ada di Indonesia khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan dan pelatihan. Milestone penting dalam perjalanan pengembangan KKNI dimulai dengan diterbitkannya UU Nomor 13 – 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan dan PP Nomor 31 – 2006 tentang Sistem Pelatihan Kerja Nasional sebagai dasar kerja besar pengembangan KKNI pada tahun-tahun selanjutnya sampai pada tahun 2012 dengan diterbitkannya PP Nomor 8 tentang Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia.


What is the main purpose of KKNI? To provide qualifications for the competence of a person based on learning outcomes which make up KKNI Who? 
Whether individuals, teams, associations, or who? 
KKNI compiled by the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, which began in 2003, and in the end there is a special team led by Mrs. Megawati Santoso Ministry of National Education and Culture Why should there be qualification and standardization? 
To ensure and improve the quality of education and training to the world of work received assurance on the quality of candidates for employment What qualification levels used in Indonesia? 
Level qualifications used in Indonesia is a level 1 to level 9 How the evaluation procedure a person's qualifications? Until now there is a new qualification procedure in formal education and will further qualification that compiles between formal and non-formal How to determining the level of qualifications in fields that are pure? 
For fields that are pure, the determination of the level of qualifications is also the same as other fields, most importantly the person or team who are competent to determine the qualification level descriptions Which Institutions will conduct assessment of qualifications? 
Later there will be an independent body which will be given the authority to self-assess the qualifications of the person. His name is roughly BKNI but until now it is still in the discussion process. While there have been several agencies that accredit or certify the qualifications of a person. Of the institutions that there may be dimerge or there will be a revitalization of an institution to become official authority as BKNI or maybe there will be a new institution that would serve Formal Education Non-Formal-Learning Self-Certification-Industry How merger value of 4 dimensions KKNI? 
Actually that is coupled not its value, but the learning outcomes, which then determined the level of qualifications Do KKNI only qualify formal education? No, KKNI also qualify NFE Whether someone can gain qualifications outside the formal academic field? Can, because this would be the achievement of learning which will then be matched with the description of the qualification of each level How does the non-formal education towards qualification for someone? 
Teragantung of learning outcomes is the essence of formal education, if later non-formal and informal education can be converted into qualifying? 
KKNI more are admitted all sorts of learning processes in both the formal and informal education. So basically they see is not only a diploma but also the achievement of learning How to classify a practitioner in the class / level KKNI? 
Assessment of qualifications based on learning outcomes a person, including a practitioner How Prodi outlined in the annex to Presidential Regulation KKNI? 
Approximately 155 to S1 Application KKNI When did KKNI will begin to be applied? 2016 Why new KKNI implemented in 2016? 
Due to implement KKNI still required the preparation of qualification descriptions of all courses and is still in the process of preparing Any action in the application of IQF? 
Formulate any kind of instrument to qualify someone Are the industrialized world would recognize the results of the assessment KKNI? Of course require adjustment time for the world to recognize the industry with the implementation KKNI Is KKNI Indonesian human resources can be juxtaposed with the global human resources (HR Overseas)? 
KKNI are internationally recognized and can be compared with descriptions in other countries How KKNI could be realized if the difference in the quality of education and infrastructure are very significant? 
Of course this requires a process, given the state of Indonesia in need of repair in the field of educational facilities Socialization and Change Management (Change Management) What should be prepared by the school's implementation of IQF in 2016? Every educational institution must formulate learning outcomes and ensure quality and prepared a curriculum in accordance with the desired learning outcomes Do KKNI will be implemented for all jobs, including farmers and fishermen? KKNI can be implemented in all areas of expertise including farmers and fishermen. But of course, gradually having to formulate a description of the qualification level for all areas of expertise What is the role of governments in disseminating KKNI? 
In this case the government acts as aiding socialization Do KKNI already disseminated throughout Indonesia? Until now KKNI are in the process of socialization to all parts of Indonesia What about socialization strategy with the vast Indonesian territory? 
Socialization should be implemented all parties including local government. Utilization of socialization media should also be effected Is KKNI concept could be acceptable to all stakeholders? The hope is accepted, but is still in the pipeline. 
KKNI be beneficial to all parties. The industrialized world will get their workers-quality assurance, while we also benefited because KKNI recognize all of the learning process both formal and non-formal Impact / implications What are the implications their KKNI & BKNI the school curriculum? The school curriculum should be based on learning outcomes How the mechanism if someone wants to continue studying in other areas different from the areas of expertise in CMS? 
No matter if your field go to college because KKNI also recognizes all of the lessons of the past Do KKNI apply to people who have no formal education? Is limited by age? 
KKNI applies to all forms of education, both formal and non-formal. KKNI also applies to all ages Does someone who has experience in a particular field needs to take to increase the level of formal education qualifications? Depending on the individual. To increase the qualification level can be done through non-formal education socialization Alignment Is alignment ultimate goal of the program? This alignment program commenced in October 2009 due to the fact the number of unemployed is quite disturbing. 
Unemployment due to many factors, such as the number of jobs is insufficient or unconformity ability of graduates to the needs of the workforce, so there is no employment but does not match the capabilities of graduates so that the objectives of the program this alignment is trying to bring education to the world of work in order to graduate education in accordance with the needs of the working world it is expected the number of unemployed could fall. 
Therefore, the ultimate goal of this program is to lower the number of unemployed by creating graduates who are increasingly suited to the needs of the working world. Is local government participation in this program? This program was initiated by the central government, carried out jointly by the cross-ministerial cooperation with local government, and later upon completion will be handed over to local authorities for further action. Is the regulatory system has been supporting this program so it does not end up like Link and Match program ever? 
Currently being developed regulations to support this program, such as the presence of KKNI regulated by presidential decree no. 8 In 2012, the graduates must achieve learning outcomes that standard, so that graduates from across Indonesia in certain fields will have the same quality that was one element in the alignment. 
Other regulations that are currently being considered which include the alignment of education with the world of work in accreditation rules, eg every school to be able to perform accreditation should conduct a tracer study were standard, must have a platform that is clear so that each school conduct tracer studies required intention here is not always rules but the means to obtain accreditation must tracer and there must be measurement Alignment Index and should rise each year. Besides alignment can also be associated with BOS (School Operational Assistance). Schools with a high degree of alignment will get special privileges or incentives from the government. Are these concepts will be continued in the event of change of ministers or cabinet? 
Concepts, and this program will be internalized as closely as possible to the entire community and the local government that does not depend on the central government. The relevance of education to the world of work should be seen as important by all parties, so that even if there is change of ministers or cabinet this program can still be rolled out, implemented, and executed. What follow-up of this program? Follow-up of this program in accordance with the stages that have been planned until 2014 all the stages can be accessed at the website, so now they are in the 3rd year and there will still be two more years to complete the entire program, after which it is expected that this program is already internalized in the society so that it can be forwarded by the public. How does the work portion of the school - Dudi - government in order to improve alignment? 
All parties must work together. For example, the role of schools is to educate graduates so readily accepted in the world of work, or have abilities that are relevant to the world of work. While DUDI can contribute, for example by providing input on the curriculum, provides an opportunity for teachers and students, faculty and students, giving guest lectures, to be an element in the assessment and evaluation, certification, providing motivation, the picture needs of the workforce. Dudi also have an obligation to inform the government, so that the needs of the number of quality, location and time can be captured by the government and can be directed to the policy. 
The government plays a major role in making policies that pro on aligning, revising policies that counter the creation of jobs or business opportunities. So each party has a part or portion of the same in the alignment. Is there needs to be agreement with the Chamber of Commerce / Business World? Yes, because this agreement is intended to involve the Chamber of Commerce and the business community actively in achieving alignment, formed a committee in which the world of education and DUDI communicate intensively to continue to improve the suitability of graduates to the world of work. How to make a comparison between regions with each other if the conditions are much different? 
Initially measurements AI and FI in every region in Indonesia as an indicator, if there are areas that alignment index is very low, it can be used as a trigger or rootcause to find the cause of the low AI. So AI is low is used as the basis to be dug over backwards to find out the cause, for example, the quality of teachers who are not qualified, the curriculum is not good, the book is less, the facilities are lacking, or DUDI who do not care, so that it can be made the preparation of solutions that fit and not just for than -Compare. While the area has a good AI can trigger local authorities to improve compliance. 
Comparisons are made through AI has two sides, namely to assist the region in order to grow and provide awareness to the local government that the efforts that have been done have not reached the goal of reducing unemployment and generate relevant education. Do dissemination through the media (via animation) have been effective if the interior is untouched information given on TV? Socialization through the media is only one and not the only one. 
The hope later socialization through the media can enter through the television can be watched by the whole of society throughout Indonesia, but not the only one, there are other socialization in the form of brochures, websites, interactive CD, socialization directly to the area, colloquium and so on. Mapping How to sync information between supply and demand so that the ending be reconciled? Currently available information on the supply side in the form of the number of graduates, field of expertise, lahun graduation, location etc .. While the request to provide information how much the need for a level, eg the production manager could be filled by people from the mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, management, etc. so different because the unit does not demand periods every year but when in need. While the request is written by qualification, without being too expensive educational background, which is important abilities, also require certification. So the unit is informed by supply and demand are not synchronized. So the need to synchronize or standardized so that the same unit, so KKNI bridging the two. Whether in the center of the existing master data / big to align education with the world of work? Yet, it is precisely this that is being formed at this time. Currently available data are partial data for each department or ministry, but the data has not been aligned, and the unit has not been the same period, and has not been integrated, this is what will be done team alignment. Whether the team will develop a mathematical model to predict the labor needs? Yes, it is being developed. This model later is a dynamic model, a model that can anticipate the current conditions, the needs of regional development, import substitution opportunities, and the development of international markets. The model was tested whether later on mathematical models or dynamic program still does not know, but it is almost certain to develop the model. What is a system of intelligent dynamic labor market? Intelligent dynamic labor market is the embodiment of the embodiment of the mathematical model. So the mathematical model is the brain, the brain will be realized in the intelligent dynamic labor market, then this system will move automatically and in real time to capture the changes in the field and provide conclusions on how much needs. The plan will use data mining techniques. Do majors graduates had reached the saturation point can be closed and opened another department? Yes, indeed the direction is like that. Later in the presence of this mapping we can see that there are certain fields whose number is no longer needed. Then the already saturated fields can be closed and replaced with other fields on the system off, but still requires thinking that is not easy. Is the data available graduates who can survive in the world of work, although not suitable in the field? Currently there really is a graduate not work in accordance with the field but to be successful, it means there is a possibility that people can be successful even if not fit. Because there are areas that do not require very high technical skills, areas that only require soft skills are very prominent. But no data is available graduates working in the field that is not appropriate for people who are successful in the field that do not fit just case-case alone, there is no comprehensive data and adequate to be able to draw conclusions that are generic. What are the benefits of a DBMS? DBMS will accommodate the results of the mapping, perform calculations and alignment FI index that can be used as a base to see the needs of the working world, look at the number of graduates and graduates of educational performance, and could see the gap between education and the world of work. Thus the DBMS is used as a basis for decision making for example, what major to be opened in the region, the level of what is to be opened, how much should be opened, etc .. It can be based on DBMS. How is the role of bureaucrats in the mapping? Later, when the concept DBMS when instruments and mechanisms have been established it will be handed over to the bureaucrats in the region in particular, so there should be synchronization program between city, provincial and national levels, between ministries with each other, departments with each other, to can run this mapping. So this mapping should be PR for the regions. Bureaucrats play an important role because it will make the mapping program. Mapping can not be made one-way, so the mapping should be done periodically, even outside the country to set up a division or bureau to continue to monitor the needs of the workforce so it must be done continuously. What are the results / findings of the team so far? Many of the findings, the details can be accessed at the website alignment, in general these findings is the need for graduate competence delivered by the world of work, for example, the world of work see the soft skills of graduates is very low, very lacking ICT skills, communication skills lacking. Then in terms of quantity, there are areas in which there are no graduates there, eg no nano technology, there is no observation of food in Semarang. The complete data can be viewed on the website. When will the results of this program is completed so that the results can be accessed? Said completion is a difficult thing to say, as is currently done in program alignment is creating the system, mechanisms and instruments. Later, it will be handed over to the local authorities to do so when completion is not an easy thing to say. The hope in 2015 all the mechanisms have become standard instruments, but if this is already ready for execution Full-more still can not say, but the process is being pursued to even go there. Implications Alignment What factors are causing many graduates do not work in accordance with the field? This is precisely why you want to search and learn why a lot of graduates do not work in accordance with the field. From the indications so far are still in the process to be further investigated, the factors that cause disharmony among others, as follows. a. There are many people who choose the field not by talent or interest. Learning so that when he did, he did not love that field, does not have the ideas, creativity, and passion in the field. b. Many people choose the field because it follows the trend did not know how real the existing needs in the field, do not know why the request was indispensable DBMS. c. Many schools are open fields without conducting a survey on the industry as a result many graduates exceeds demand. d. Schools that do not communicate with many industries, such as whether the actual needs of the industry. So they base just basically wanted to teach a particular field regardless of the field is required or not. For example the material is very old fashioned no update diperguankan to teach when the materials no longer appropriate to the needs of the working world. e. Facilities and infrastructure that do not support. Eg automotive majors but the infrastructure is very limited and inadequate, beyond many automatic car for example but is taught in schools only manual transmissions and is very limited. f. Ability of teachers to teach less. So his own teacher incompetent. The teachers never existed upgrading, there was never any training, there never was an intern, never know the needs of the outside world, thus enabling the teacher tudak provide adequate competence for their students. g. The industry does not provide sufficient opportunities for sisswa for internships. If given an internship but no program ,, released just like that, the industry does not want to inform the existing needs and demands. h. The industry does not want to share facilities, such tools are not used diseumbangkan to schools that can be used as a practice tool. i. The government has done pantuan of relevance. During this time is the focus only on quality, so it appears school curriculum is standards-based and so on, but its relevance has not been measured. j. Parents like to impose the will, does not recognize the talents and interests of the children must sign department / specific field when the field is no longer needed or even not match the capabilities of the child. How can the world of education so that output can be aligned with the needs of the workforce? Must be answered and tackling yanga factors exist in the previous question. Students must choose the appropriate fields, facilities and infrastructure should match the teacher must be competent, there should be upgrading and so on. Is the best platform to choose courses, by interest or level of popularity? If the talk's popularity means we speak the number. Typically the most popular areas is substantial. But if we only pay attention to the field of popular regardless of the interest would be misleading because it is not necessarily the issue has the talent and ability in the field. However, if we just look at interest without seeing the level of demand can also be misleading because lest we take the field that does need not exist. But it is of interest should be the primary basis as if the field does not have a need, but our interest is very large we can create jobs in that field. But if the field was popular but we had no interest when we pass we could not enter because we are incompetent. How tips one teacher to work with students who choose a major? Actually we are not oriented on how to deal with students who choose a major one but bagaimaan so that no one chose majors. So that no one should be no orientation to choose a major field of work since children's elementary and secondary schools. Children should be introduced from the beginning, for example when working in the field will pharmacist what should be done, so aanak the girls are given a picture field of work. In addition, guidance counseling in junior high school must also be enabled, not only dealing with unruly children but also functioned as career guidance or selection of fields. For example there are many children who enter high school because of the prestige, many children who enter vocational field but did not know anything. So that career guidance should function as a junior resources carrier whether the actual planning of these areas. if already one chose majors should be counseled, directed as much as possible on the right but it is not easy especially with BOS system, for example, as soon as he entered a field and got the NIP, it is not easy to move because of the consequences of financing and so on. So you should not wait until the student is wrong but should be prevented so that students are not wrong. How can school infrastructure capable of accelerated following the industrial world? Very hard school facilities with the industry because the industry is moving very fast, very dynamic, and they have money to buy the facility denagn latest technologies. Karean it to do is to work with industry. If the industry has the latest technology, berikananlah internship opportunities for teachers so that they can provide the appropriate teaching. One way to handle this aadalah resources center. Resources center that means no need for each school to have facilities to update ataau lates, if in one city there are five or ten vocational schools so that they can share the same facilities would be highly efficient. Then there should be sharing resources with BLK. Because BLK also has facilities so jangaan until the facility mengaggur while schools lack facilities. So there should be cooperation between industry and schools, schools with each other or BLK to establish a resources center so that they can share facilities and infrastructure proposition. How to adapt the curriculum and facilities to match the needs of the industry? Facilities and infrastructure as described in number 5, while for the curriculum, conducted by the evaluation of the curriculum regularly involving industry, the industry called, sit together, consortium, industrial board to evaluate the curriculum may later varity fixed but the lesson that way, maybe suppressor-emphasis, even technical evaluation needs to be corrected. What is the difference between hard skills and soft skills and how to balance it? Hardskill are skills that are technical and in accordance with their respective fields. Meanwhile, if soft skills are the things that are character, personality required. To balance the school must give equal emphasis both for hardskill and softskill. Do not let the child spend time to do homework without having the opportunity to develop personalitinya. Hard skills and soft skills such as what is needed DUDI? To hardskill per field means there is the need of each. Currently being mapped it, but to softskill report can be viewed at the website, soft skill required for example communication, enthusiasm, and initiative, sense of responsibility, honesty, willingness to learn self seccara is a soft skill required by Dudi. How to align diplomas from various educational institutions of diverse quality? We want to assess, compare or align must be a reference. So far there has been no new reference later with their KKNI aka tone reference. So to say this is good or not based on these references. How can educators diverse upgrading its quality? This is a difficult program because if we look at a bygone era whose name educators are people who are qualified. But this time a smart person wants to be an engineer or work in the company. Currently the educator is anakk children are not accepted at the school that makes engineers, educators consequently the current quality nge-drop. So now there is enormous variation so that the government should undertake a continuous and systematic upgrading. So there must be an assessment of the ability of teachers and continuous upgrading. How to solve a system of outsourcing harmful graduate education? We can not close our eyes that this outsourcing is the real conditions that exist in our society. Outsourcing is there because it is more efficient than the usual process. But many disadvantaged graduates for their career uncertainty and so on. What should be done is Nakertrans and Kemdiknas must communicate where Nkaertrans should provide clear boundaries and on the other hand the quality of graduates must also be improved because although they will be outsourced personnel will be a force that is worth selling, competitive and have a bargaining position. Other Why entrepreneurship program has not been touched by the world of education and only form a job seeker? We have already started to open the eyes of the government and establish entrepreneurship education that is very important. But it is over the years we grew up in a climate where we are mostly looking for a job or an employee. So indeed do entrepreneurial education today is not maximized and still in the learning process. But it is at this time the government announced a entrepreneurship as a key element or elements that absolutely must be done by education. So this time sudaj done that way. Does the government hold a vocational program for entrepreneurship? Yes. Done in the form of the production unit, SMK has salon, catering services, hotels, etc. to foster entrepreneurship students. Why SMK still underestimated and is considerably less than high school? History that makes it so, once high school is always filled by children who are smart while SMK filled children anaak second level yet proven that high school kids was created to indirectly ready to work. Because his condition is becoming increasingly difficult then SMK raised position and become an excellent alternative to create people who are ready to work. But there are still historical default it is not yet tertuntaskan. The amount is less because of its historical ce call but the government began focusing on the balance. Is it possible to provide skills to high school students as a provision if it does not go to college? We recommend that high school do not want to continue studying for the high school to high school is given sciences is not that science is skill. SMA is given skill is necessary because the facts presented high school graduates went to work there, but the shape is not the nature of education in the classroom because there is already a package curriculum for high school it is done in the form of extra-curricular, extra on a Saturday and so to give them provisions. What directions of character education? Character education is directed at the establishment of Indonesian men who have a power struggle, have adequate soft skills required by the world of work so that we have a competitive edge. What checklist that must be done by the students? Yes, there is. Firstly when choosing the field must correspond interest, interests and talents should be known early on, during the lecture not only looking for hard skills but also soft skills, must involve themselves with many opportunities that exist in order to improve the network, knowledge and understanding of the needs of the workforce etc.